![]() ETHE For EducatorsThe best alternative to quality education for thousands of students and educators who are staying at homes during the coronavirus pandemic |
Educational Technology for Higher Education
Course Syllabus
As thousands of students and educators are staying at home during the coronavirus pandemic, Taxila has introduced synchronized online training series using innovative blended-learning to better provide them with an alternative to quality education. One of these training series is the "Educational Technology for Higher Education" certificate course, which is specially designed for current educators at public universities and colleges in Myanmar. The details of the program are as follow.
Course Sections
In this course, you will be placed in one of the three following sections
Batch 12: 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM (Sat and Sun) February 20 - March 14
Course Instructors

Ye Pyae Thu, M.Sc., MIB
(Main Instructor)
Founder & Executive Director
Taxila Institute
- Candidate, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
in Higher Education
(United States)
- M.Sc. in Strategic Management
(the Netherlands)
- Master of International Business
- B.S. in Business Administration
graduating Summa Cum Laude &
University Honors
(United States)
- Dip. in Social Entrepreneurship
(United States)
- Dip. in Civic Engagement
(United States)
Aung Kyaw San, B.Com.
Managing Director
Crown Education
- B.Com.
- Dip. in Business Law
Pwint Nee Aung, M.Ed.
Director of Studies
Royal Academic Institute
- Candidate, Ph.D. in Sustainable
- Master of Educational Leadership &
(New Zealand)
- B.Sc. (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences
(United Kingdom)
Course Description
This introductory educational technology course is for teachers who want a broad practical course in learning how to integrate emerging technologies into higher education classrooms. This course will help the faculty members in their attempt to engage learners with each other, the course content, and the instructions. Exploring the effective use of educational technology in classrooms to facilitate teaching and learning is essential for teachers within all disciplines. This course will assist teachers to practice the use of productivity tools, educational software, and web-based technologies as a pedagogical tool to improve the teaching and learning process. Drill and practice outside of class time will be necessary to reach a high degree of competence.
Practical Information
This course is designed as an online course. Please allow 48 hours for a response to an email. Office hours are by appointment and may be held virtually.
Course Outcomes
In this course, with moderate effort, you will:
conceptualize the current definition of educational technology
apply design thinking principles to the integration of educational technology in classrooms
identify and synthesize research of an educational technology topic
analyze and summarize your school technology environment
Learning Outcomes
The course will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for using technology to enhance your teaching and your students' learning. By the end of the course, you will be able to
Design and Development
Design and develop technologically enhanced course materials and contents (e.g. syllabus, instruction, platform) to maximize students' motivation, engagement, efficiency, and learning outcomes.
Pedagogy and Theory
Demonstrate the ability to integrate pedagogical approaches and educational technologies in practical classroom teaching and the ability to reflect the effective application of technology-supported pedagogical approaches
Evaluation and Assessment
Use technology to facilitate assessments, tests, and evaluation strategies and determine the effectiveness of the use of technology in curriculum or instruction
Aware and apply professional and ethical standards (e.g. accessibility, diversity, copyright) to all aspects of teaching and learning
Course Materials
To be successful in this course, you will need to have:
a reliable high-speed internet
a decent smartphone
a laptop with a webcam and microphone (not absolutely necessary, but ideal to have)
a Google/Microsoft account (university webmail with .edu.mm is ideal)
Course Textbook
There is no required textbook for this course. However, readings for research articles will be provided online and must be completed prior to in-class discussion. Please view the reading section for the details of the research articles.
Assignment List
Assignments are a critical part of this course. As the course incorporates both lectures, discussions, assignments, and hands-on technology-based projects, there will be a number of assignments - some of which will be completed outside of class, and some of which will be in class.
Assignment 1: Developing a classroom in an LMS, with syllabus, assignments, lecture slides etc.
Assignment 2: Designing quizzes in two assessment platforms
Assignment 3: Writing a summary paper on a research article (your choice from the reading list)
Assignment 4: Making a group presentation
Please view the details of the individual assignments in each assignment document or tab.
Reading List
Reading research papers is a critical part of any high-level academic course as it can enhance learner's knowledge of a particular study. The following readings will be accessible to you in the reading tab. You and your group members can choose any of the primary-level scholarly research articles to present in class.
Primary level (25 research articles): Choose a research article from the list to present in class
Secondary level (9 research articles): To provide you a deeper understanding of the discipline
Please view the details of the research articles in the last section of the document or in the reading tab.
Unannounced In-Class Quizzes
In order to reinforce readings and other assignments, as well as concepts covered in class, there will be three 20-point quizzes, using a testing software, which will be unannounced, closed book, and notes, given during class. A maximum of 50 points can be earned. Even if you take all quizzes and score perfectly on every quiz, your quiz will still be capped at the 50-point total.
Attendance Policy
Attendance is mandatory to maximize the outcomes in such online training. During the twenty-hour class period, you may be absent only one class period (2.5 hours) without a deduction, for any case. Additional absences will only be allowed for illness or family emergency.
Point Policy
The following grade point policy will be followed.
40% : Assignment 1 to 4 (10%, 10%, 5% and 15% respectively)
30% : Unannounced in-class quizzes
20% : Attendance
10% : Participation
Extra credits will be available throughout the course and are dependent on instructors
Grading Policy
Total accumulated points will be converted into the percentage based on the total available scores.
93-100% : A (Outstanding competence)
90-92%: : A- (Outstanding competence)
87-89% : B+ (Above satisfactory competence)
83-86%. : B (Above satisfactory competence)
80-82%. : B- (Above satisfactory competence)
77-79%. : C+ (Satisfactory competence)
73-76%. : C (Satisfactory competence)
70-72%. : C- (Satisfactory competence)
< 69%. : F (Unsatisfactory competence)
If you receive an F, you will not receive the certificate of completion and the transcript. If you wish, you may repeat the course for one more time without any additional charges.
Discussion Forum Policy
Since this class applies blended-learning, the discussion board feature in Google Classroom is important to create dialogue and debate around the issues in the reading. When participating in (an online) class, it is important to interact with your peers in an appropriate manner. Always use professional language (no netspeak) in your postings and emails. Please be respectful of your classmates and of your instructors at all times even if you disagree with their ideas. As a professional courtesy, please inform the program instructor via email if you are unable to participate in a week’s discussion; however, there will be no excused absences.
Professionalism Policy
All attendees are expected to demonstrate professional demeanor and maintain a respectful tone. This includes displaying professional courtesy to classmates and to the instructor, meeting deadlines, and notifying the program coordinator in advance if it is not possible to attend class. The instructor reserves the right to dismiss an attendee at his discretion if the student’s behavior should be deemed disruptive to the classroom environment and teaching.
Grade Posting
All quizzes, assignments, attendance, and participation scores will be posted on a password-protected webpage via your confidential exam. Discussion on grades must be held in a confidential meeting in a one-to-one online section with the main instructor, not over the telephone or by e-mail.
Academic Integrity
Any participant involved in cheating on a quiz, or assignment, including assisting another group or person, will receive a zero for that quiz or assignment. Furthermore, cheating on any exam, quiz, or assignment may be grounded for an "F" in the course, and repeating the same course will not be possible.
Classroom Disruption
All non-essential mobile phones (if you are joining the course with a laptop) must be in silent mode during the class section, and all participants should join the course in video-mode allowing the instructor to see all of his/her participants. Eating and drinking is not allowed during class time.