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Careers / Benefits Package

Benefits Package

Welcome to the University of Taxila's benefits website. Taxila is committed to providing eligible faculty and staff with benefits that meet their needs and the needs of their families at every stage of employment. The following benefits and wellness programs will be provided to our faculty and staff. 

  • Tuition waiver and educational discounts for self or immediate family members and additional academic benefits for relatives

  • Two doses of COVID-19 vaccine and one seasonal influenza vaccine (fees paid for by the university)

  • Basic health care and/or travel insurance (premiums paid for by the university)

  • General staff learning and development seminars provided by professors and experts from U.S., Myanmar, and foreign universities

  • Comprehensive faculty professional development programs and resources on educational leadership, pedagogical approaches, and instructional technology provided by professors and experts from U.S., Myanmar, and foreign universities

  • Mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and workplace wellness assistance

  • Time off and leaves

  • General discounts at partner businesses and organizations

Types of Employee Benefits

Throwing Caps

Tuition Waivers

Education is the foundation of the University of Taxila. The university offers tuition waivers to full-time faculty and staff, their children, and tuition discounts to their relatives. The waiver applies to the cost of classes offered by Taxila. The eligibility and benefits are as follow. 


  • meet admission criteria of both Taxila and its partner universities

  • be employed full-time or meet the part-time hours' requirement

  • spouse or domestic partner is not eligible for a tuition waiver

  • have the job start date for at least 10 workdays before the application deadline of a particular semester


Number of Classes (Degree Programs)

Faculty and staff and their immediate family members can request a waiver for a certain number of credit hours each academic year that consists of fall, spring, and summer semesters. An applicant does not need to attend the entire academic year in order to qualify for a waiver. The following number of credit hours (per year) for a degree program are eligible for a full waiver 

  • Full-time faculty/staff and immediate family members: up to 21 credit hours

  • Full-time faculty/staff's relatives: up to 18 credit hours

  • Part-time faculty/staff and their children: up to 15 credits hours


Number of Classes (Non-Degree Programs)

All full-time faculty and staff are eligible for a full waiver for all credit hours of non-degree programs such as professional development programs and diploma programs. 


Waived Costs

  • The waiver covers tuition fees up to the limit of each faculty and staff employment status

  • The waivers can only be applied toward credit hours taught by Taxila. The tuition fees for credit hours offered by Taxila's partner universities cannot be waived by Taxila

  • The waiver does not cover course-related fees such as technology fees, laboratory fees, and any other non-tuition fees

  • Faculty and staff are responsible for additional costs if they or their children/relatives enroll in more credit hours than the waiver allows (except for non-degree programs).

  • If the tuition waiver exceeds 4,800,000 MMK for a faculty or staff in a calendar year, it is subject to income taxes. The Office of Administration and Human Resources will report it as taxable wages on your income tax forms and withhold the taxes in accordance with the national labor laws.​

Conference Meeting

Learning and Development

The University of Taxila offers learning and development opportunities for free to faculty and staff. Through leadership training, Taxila aims to increase the pool of talent that is ready or near ready to take on higher positions, enhances diversity and inclusion among faculty and staff, and prepares for the challenges of 21-st century higher education. To provide foundational management knowledge and skills, Taxila also conducts management training for all university personnel. These leadership and management programs include live training, interactive sessions, panel discussions, and modular seminars taught by Taxila faculty and external experts.  


Required Training

Taxila requires all faculty and staff to attend all of the following courses once every academic year

  • Cyber-security awareness training

  • Sexual harassment prevention training

  • Diversity and inclusion promotion


Optional Training

Taxila also delivers the following elective courses

  • Institutional review board (IRB) provided by Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)



  • Part-time, full-time, and intern appointees are all eligible to attend



  • All associated costs will be covered by Taxila. However, to enforce attendance and maintain value, attendees are required to pay a minimum fee for their certificates and transcripts. 

Image by Sigmund

Faculty Professional Development

The University of Taxila provides a wide range of professional development programs for faculty to enhance their knowledge, skills, and attitudes in teaching and leadership. These include online resources on teaching and learning published by world-class universities and their colleges of education and external organizations such as the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), Educause, and EAB. 


Additionally, the university also offers live professional development seminars for all faculty. These seminars are organized by the Taxila School of Education and Human Development and conducted by faculty and experts from U.S., Myanmar, and international universities. As the seminars are often provided as a series, attendees are required to attend all sessions in a series.


Required Training

Taxila requires all faculty to attend the following professional development within six months from their dates of appointment. 

  • Educational leadership

  • Pedagogical approaches

  • Instructional technology


Optional Training

Throughout the academic year, Taxila also delivers the following professional development for faculty from related disciplines

  • Pedagogical content knowledge (i.e., pedagogical knowledge on the subject matter)

  • Curriculum and instruction strategies



  • Both part-time and full-time faculty from the University of Taxila are eligible to attend free of charge

  • K-12 teachers from external institutions are also eligible to attend (with a fee) if the professional development content is related to teaching in the K-12 sector



  • Professional development courses bear one to three graduate-level extension credits provided by the University of Taxila or the University of North Dakota (Taxila's partner university from the United States for K-12 teacher professional development). Both full-time and part-time faculty will be exempt from fees for credit hours issued by the University of Taxila.

  • However, if faculty attend K-12 professional development courses (to improve their instructional knowledge of teaching K-12 education) which are accredited by the University of North Dakota, they are responsible to pay the fees set by the partner university.


COVID-19 and Seasonal Influenza Vaccines

The health and wellbeing of our faculty and staff is the most important matter since teaching and learning will not be possible without them. Due to the difficult access to the COVID-19 vaccine during turmoil and the slow vaccination roll-out in Myanmar, the University of Taxila strongly encourages all faculty and staff to get vaccinated in private hospitals and clinics. Taxila will pay for the vaccination costs of its faculty and staff if they decide to get vaccinated and help protect others. However, the university policy committee does not require mandatory vaccination, and thus it is up to faculty's and staff's own will. 


  • Should not have received a first, second, or booster (third) dose of COVID-19 vaccine or a dose of seasonal influenza vaccine

  • Be employed full-time

Doctor and Patient

Consultation with General Practitioner / Doctor

From minor illnesses to COVID-19 mild cases, faculty and staff will be available to request teleconsultation appointments with the general practitioners and doctors who are contracted by the University of Taxila. If being tested positive for COVID-19, faculty and staff can request Oxygen cylinders and Oxygen concentrators free of charge (nasal canular and mask and Oxygen gas are not included). 


  • Part-time, full-time, and intern appointees are all eligible

  • Not having a severe illness or specialized medical condition which might require a specialist or intensive care



  • All consultation costs will be paid for by the university. Faculty and staff are responsible for paying the consultation costs for additional family members. 

  • Additional medical check-ups or treatments and pharmacy expenses are not covered; however, these may be covered by faculty and staff's health insurance. 

Image by Marek Studzinski

Health Insurance

Healthcare charges often impose a big financial burden on faculty and staff. To help them provide essential medical protection and reduce out-of-pocket expenses, the University of Taxila offers group health insurance. The coverages and the benefits of each insurance policy depend on the position of the faculty or staff. Faculty and staff will also have the option to upgrade to a higher plan by adding their own contributions. 


  • Be employed full-time

  • Not having an existing health insurance coverage

  • Meet the terms and conditions of the group health insurance policy



  • Death benefit: up to 10,000,000 MMK

  • Daily hospital admission coverage: up to 100,000 MMK per day for 60 days

  • Surgical coverage: up to 5,000,000 MMK per year

  • Miscarriage: 300,000 MMK per year

  • Outpatient coverage: up to 100,000 MMK per year



  • The premium for faculty and staff will be paid for by the university.

  • If faculty or staff wants to add a family member at the group rate, the university will not be responsible for the additional premium fee.

Time Off

Employee Wellness

The wellness of faculty and staff is critical to the success of the organization. The University of Taxila offers a wide range of workplace, physical, mental, social, and spiritual wellness programs to help guide faculty and staff along a path to holistic wellness. 


  • Part-time, full-time, and intern appointees are all eligible



  • Workplace wellness (ergonomic and green workstations with modern office tables, chairs, and indoor plants) to reduce the risk of repetitive strain

  • Physical wellness (fitness, aquatics, and outdoor programs) to live a healthier lifestyle

  • Mental wellness (counseling and meditation sessions) to provide a stable mental health

  • Social wellness (volunteering and social events) to maintain healthy relationships at work

  • Spiritual wellness (religious time off and activities) to help discover meaning and purpose in life

Beach Vacation

Time Off and Leaves

To help employees manage the competing demands of work and home, the University of Taxila provides various paid and unpaid time off options.


Vacation Leave

  • Full-time faculty and staff can accrue paid vacation days based on their years of service. However, part-time faculty and staff will receive prorated vacation time off. A maximum of 36 vacation days can be carried over from one fiscal year to the next. Vacation leave accrued in excess of 36 workdays at the end of the fiscal year will be forfeited.

    • 01-03 years of service: 12 days per year​

    • 04-07 years of service: 15 days per year

    • 08-12 years of service: 18 days per year

    • 13 >= years of service: 21 days per year


Casual Leave

  • Full-time faculty and staff can earn paid casual leave for unexpected personal and family matters. Casual leave can be earned at a rate of one day per two months (a total of 6 workdays per year). Excess days for casual leaves will be forfeited at the end of the fiscal year.​


Sick Leave

  • Full-time faculty and staff will be provided with a full-time rate of 30 calendar days of non-accumulative sick leave. If eligible, sick leave can be requested for your own personal illness or the care of your immediate family member. It is only available each fiscal year and cannot be carried over from year to year. If you want to request additional sick leaves beyond what you are provided in a contract period, it must come from casual leaves, and then from vacation leaves, or as a deduction from your pay.


Parental Leave

  • Full-time faculty and staff are eligible to receive paid parental leave. For the birth of a child, a faculty or staff (mother) will receive a continuous of 42 calendar days (6 weeks) before the birth and another continuous of 60 calendar days (8 months) after the birth. For the care of a newborn child, a faculty or staff (father) will receive 7 calendar days within 12 months from the birth of a child.


Bereavement Leave

  • A faculty or staff can request up to three days of paid bereavement leave due to the death of an immediate family member or household member, such as the spouse, parent of the spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandchild, grandparent, corresponding in-laws and immediate family of spouse (if living in the same household). For the death of a relative outside of a faculty or staff's immediate family or household, such as an aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, cousin, and corresponding in-laws, one day of paid bereavement leave can be requested. 


Voting Leave

  • On the day of the general election or the by-election every four years, both full-time and part-time faculty and staff can request a paid voting leave to cast their votes in the election. However, voting leave will only be provided if the faculty/staff meeting the following criteria: (1) A faculty/staff has to travel to another city for more than three hours one-way to cast a vote; (2) a faculty/staff work schedule begins less than two hours after the polls open and ends less than two hours before the polls close; and (3) the election is general election or by-election, but not township or ward election. 


Volunteering Leave

  • Full-time faculty and staff can receive non-continuous five days of paid volunteering leave to support the causes of the Taxila Foundation for Education & Development or a non-governmental organization (NGO). However, the purpose for the involvement in an NGO should be for the provisions of humanitarian assistance in natural disasters and life emergencies. In the latter case, approval from the Office of Administration and Human Resources is required. 


Blood, Blood Platelets, Organ or Bone Marrow Donor Leave

  • If a full-time faculty or staff plans to donate blood, organ, or bone marrow, a paid donor leave can be requested in advance. A faculty or staff can receive up to two hours of paid leave once every 56 days for blood donation and up to three hours of paid leave for blood platelets donation (maximum of 24 times in a 12-month period). If you wish to rest longer after a donation of blood or blood platelets, you can use your sick leave. The use of casual leave is not allowed. For the donation of an organ or bone marrow, a full-time faculty or staff can request up to 30 calendar days of paid donor leave in a 12-month period. The leave cannot be extended with any other types of leave.



  • All full-time and part-time faculty and staff will receive time off on public holidays and floating holidays. 


Medical Leave

  • In addition to 30 calendar days of paid sick leave, a full-time faculty or staff with at least one year of service can take up to 12 calendar weeks of unpaid leave in a 12-month period for personal or family medical reasons. 


Family First Coronavirus Care Leave

  • In addition to paid sick leave and unpaid medical leave, full-time faculty and staff can have the option to request up to 21 calendar days of unpaid leave to take care of their family members who may have been tested positive for COVID-19. Once a faculty or staff is granted this leave, they are eligible to request oxygen cylinders and oxygen concentrators that are rented free of charge by the Office of Administration and Human Resources. 

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General Discounts

Both full-time and part-time faculty and staff and interns have the opportunity to enjoy group discounts for business or personal purposes at our partner hotels, airlines, bus expresses, restaurants, wellness centers, including spas, and many others. These group discounts can also be used for immediate family members with the presence of the employee. 

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© 2021 University of Taxila
All rights reserved
Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)

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